Cooperate Connect.

Cooperation with i2o Business Consultancy & Business Intelligence

We at Cooperate Green are pleased to announce our collaboration with i2o Business Consultancy & Business Intelligence! This collaboration has already been taking shape in the background over the past period, and is now official. For example, they have helped develop a (four-language) survey for companies preparing for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) legislation.

Why is CSRD so important?

The CSRD is European legislation that requires large companies to provide transparent reports on their policies, goals, and progress in the areas of people, the environment, and governance (ESG) from the 2025 financial year onwards. This legislation marks an important step towards more sustainable entrepreneurship and accountability for the impact on people, the environment, and governance. Smaller companies can also be affected by the CSRD.

Impact Analysis.

A successful CSRD process starts with an impact analysis based on the principle of double materiality. This means that we not only look at the company’s impact on people and the environment, but also at the impact of people and the environment on the company. These analyses are validated through a dialogue with key stakeholders. The template we have developed forms an essential tool to facilitate this dialogue with stakeholders.

Benefits of a Survey.

An effective dialogue with stakeholders can (partly) take place through a survey. i2o Business Consultancy & Business Intelligence, in collaboration with Cooperate Green, has developed a four-language template that allows companies to quickly, efficiently, uniformly, consistently and comparably gain insight into the expectations and concerns of their stakeholders. This provides optimal opportunities for analysis and simplifies the documentation of the results.

Why i2o Business Consultancy & Business Intelligence?

Collaborating with i2o Business Consultancy & Business Intelligence means gaining access to a team of enthusiastic professionals with expertise ranging from strategy development to reporting, and from data/business intelligence to audit preparation. This choice is based on their unique approach, where strategy and business opportunities are always the top priority. We endorse their vision in which sustainability is seen as an opportunity to excel, both ethically and commercially.

With this collaboration and the associated survey, we have taken another step in facilitating the mandatory CSRD reporting for our clients. They enable us, through this collaboration, to provide our clients with an extra dimension in the full guidance on sustainability reporting.

Are you curious about this template, and/or its implementation in your company? Feel free to contact us.